The World for God?
"The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world."

Wow, powerful words. That's our MISSION STATEMENT folks! As an Army, that's what we're driving at, fueled by and existing to achieve. The part that captures me is the line that I shifted into italics - I am forced to linger on these thoughts.
  • Are we truly a transforming influence?
  • What would constitute an influence that was transformational?
What is transformational?
  • A marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better
  • To change the nature, function, or condition of;
  • To change in nature, disposition, heart, character, or the like; to convert.

(from www.thesaurus.com)

Hmm...to be honest, if each corps/community church were truly a transformational influence then wouldn't the world be won by now? Or at least much closer? Wouldn't the Christian church be facing increased persecution? I'm speaking mainly to the North American church here, because we are they who are running so closely alongside the worldculture that no one notices our witness except to be mildly amused by our WWJD bracelets.

Do you disagree? Are you outraged? Am I being too hard on you?
Then leave a comment and tell me what YOU are doing to be a transforming presence in your community. Maybe even just in your church or on your street, or in your own home. I'd like to know, I'd love the encouragement that the Army hasn't totally sold-out and earned it's title of 'social organization'.

Look, we've got to start somewhere, and time is growing short. It starts with you. The deal is that once you begin by embarking on a personal reformation, and begin to adopt a cleaner, more consecrated way of life all for the sake of bringing glory to God, others will see and be attracted to Jesus as He shines through you.

It's the whole 'be the change you want to see' thing. C'mon, the Newsboys sang about it, so it must be meaningful.

So let's get out of the pew, take off the headphones and interact with your community.
Do the things you are afraid to do.
Go ahead and step out, God's already gone before you, and He's got your back.

posted by Hezza at 1:18 p.m. | Permalink |