Just who IS the Church anyway?
I watched a teaching video recently where the preacher addressed those attending the conference as “church”. “Are you listening Church?” she would ask. “Do you get it Church?” Initially I found this amusing and then I realized how appropriate it was.
The majority of us Christians have fallen into the false belief that the church is the building that we go to on Sundays to worship in. That’s not accurate. Jesus isn’t coming back to marry a building, He’s coming back for His Bride, the Church. That’s us. The people of God are the Church. The Ekklesia in the Basilia – the people of God in the Kingdom of God.

On Sunday morning we go to God’s House, but when the meeting is over, Church leaves the building. One thing that struck me about calling the congregation ‘Church’ was that it forced me to embrace my identity and therefore my destiny. Who cares for the widow? The Church. Who cares for the orphan? The Church. Who aligns itself with the poor? The Church.

Some seem to have bought into a myth that although they are a Christian, they don’t have to be a part of the Church. It just doesn’t work that way. 1 Corinthians 3:9 declares that WE are God’s building.
So, do you get it Church?
posted by Hezza at 1:50 p.m. | Permalink |