This morning I was filling in for a friend of mine facilitating a Christian discussion group. In prayer and through a dream the Lord directed me to bring the topic of 'Prayer for the Persecuted Church' to the table both to spark discussion on the Apostle Paul's writings in the book of Phillipians, to provoke prayer on behalf of our persecuted brothers and sisters globally and to gain fresh perspective on the ease of our more untroubled faith lives here in North America.
It all started off well, I presented what I had been hearing from the Lord and how it had challenged me. The others were engaged, nodding their heads in acquiescence and my heart rose in antipation of what God was going to reveal through us, His believers who had assembled to hear His Voice.
I was dismayed when I was coerced into playing 'referee' by the other members of the group. Somehow, a Spirit-led discussion focused on the adversity followers of Christ in other parts of the world face on a daily basis, dissolved into a God's kids bickering about their theories of salvation, forgiveness of sin, whether our sin really separates us from God, whether we need to ask for forgiveness. And on. And on.
Sadly, I had to come to terms with the reality that this discussion group wasn't going to get around to unselfishly considering others, or to be led into prayer on their behalf or even to commit to praying throughout the week in personal moments of prayer.
Nope - we argued and indoctrinated and catechized one another until our time was up.
I left feeling disappointed, because we had used our time to talk selfishly about topics that were high on our own agenda, but never made it to God's agenda.
The Lord spoke to me and revealed how often that happens in His personal relationship with me. He's ready to draw me someplace new, but I'm content to argue and banter about comfortable ideas, thereby missing out on growth and Holy Ghost's leading in my life.
By the Spirit, Jesus was led into the desert. (Luke 4:1)
By the Spirit, Paul was spurred on towards Jerusalem. (Acts 20:22)
By the Spirit, Philip was led exactly to where God wanted him to be. (Acts 8:39-40)

So let God and let God draw you in or out...or UP!


posted by Hezza at 11:55 a.m. | Permalink |