I see Your angels equipping these armies with mighty weapons of warfare.

I see troops of men and women in different ranks who are putting your weapons in their arsenal.

Let the anointing come now, Lord. Let the double portion of Your Holy Spirit come and touch us.

Let Your sons and daughters receive anointing and grace to fast and pray. And may the anointing...be imparted to those reading these words and praying this prayer right now.

I see this army marching, Lord.
We are marching to take the cities for Jesus!

We are marching to take the Lords' Name to every realm and to every corner of the earth - east, west, north, south. The Army of God is advancing and every demon must bow to the Name of Jesus as the anointed army comes with Your mighty weapons of warfare.

Lord God, we commit ourselves this day to use these weapons faithfully.
Lord, I pray that these pastors and leaders in Your army will see that they are generals in the army of God.
Place within them, Lord God, the divine wisdom they need to lead their portion of the army into victory.
Thank you for the total victory, Lord Jesus.

~excerpted from The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting, Mahesh Chavda
posted by Hezza at 1:11 p.m. | Permalink |