Recently I emailed a friend of mine with my tale of woe, and this was her lovely response...

A couple of days ago when Rob and I were doing some housecleaning, I put on an old newsboys cd of mine, that i had bought right after I met Jesus and was filled with Holy Spirit.? I was so excited! So light and happy! i felt sad, wondering, what happened?? I feel weighed down by responsibility and expectation and failure and strategy and things I don't understand that are just waiting to trip me up.

When we are first saved Jesus always woos us with those kind of feelings...it is the experience of new life! You still have that life but now Jesus shares His responsibilities with you. The trick is to get under the yoke that Jesus offers, it's easy and His burden is light! Roll them onto the Lord sis! I feel like your strategy just needs to be the beautiful Heather that you are.....that's what people are attracted to. Just love people into the Kingdom. Forget about the global world winning strategy and just win your little patch....you're already doing that! I... think it can be a burden if Jesus hasn't given it specifically to you. The great commission says "as you go, make disciples" so start there and Yahweh will let you know when to move on!

Praise the Lord for the wisdom of the saints...
posted by Hezza at 7:23 p.m. | Permalink |


  • At 9:16 p.m., Blogger Karyn Baker

    Wow - that was some serious wisdom.
    Heather, I know just what you mean - I sometimes throw on an old CD and get a little spark that reminds me of the freshness of worship and the passion and fire that I had when first learning all about worship for real. I was glad to read this response to your letter as well - thanks for posting it.
    And I love you - and miss you - greatly. My love to Rob, too.